« Building the Bioeconomy together » seminar with French Forestry Cooperatives Organisation
The seminar entitled « Building the Bioeconomy together » took place on November 15 in Brussels.
The French Forestry Cooperatives Organisation (UCFF – Les Coopératives Forestières), the Confederation of German Forest Owners‘ Associations (AGDW – Die Waldeigentümer), the Finnish Forest Industries, SITLiD (Polish Association of Foresters and Wood Technologies), the Association of the Austrian Wood Industries, FAM and the Swedish Future of Forestry has organised this event.
Wood-based products and smart forestry management for Europe
The seminar has focused on how wood-based products and smart forestry management can contribute to making Europe a sustainable industrial leader and at the same time contributing to biodiversity, a circular economy and combating climate change.
Marcus Wallenberg, Chair of FAM (Sweden) and Maive RUTE (European Commission – DG GROW) introduced this event.
In the first session entitled « Forests – a key in the renewable economy » three European speakers intervened :
- Paula Lehtomäki, CEO, Finnish Forest Industries
- Torbjörn Haak, Coreper 1 Ambassador, Sweden
- Pierre-Olivier Drège, Vice-President, UCFF, France
In the second session entitled « The substitution effect in the renewable economy » four other European speakers intervened :
- Anne Sander, Member of the European Parliament
- Franz Wirtenberger, Coreper 1 Ambassador, Austria
- Dieter Lechner, Deputy MD, Holzindustrie, Austria
- Gary Healy, Director, Coillte, Ireland
The event was concluded by Pierre-Olivier Drège, Vice-President, UCFF, France: “We need a common European framework for biodiversity and the climate but also freedom to act within those frameworks.”
Lessons learnt from the Green Deal and the way forward for the European Forest and Wood Sector
A position paper has been agreed by a forest coalition consisting of wood and forest sector representatives from Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Poland and Sweden. The coalition is a reflection of the common pan-European forest interests. The paper includes a number of policy recommendations in order to support the next European Commission’s and European Parliament’s important work in this sector.
Click here to download our document entitled « Lessons learnt from the Green Deal and the way forward for the European Forest and Wood Sector »