EU Nature Restoration: European Forest Owners’ and Managers’ recommendations
While European forest managers and owners welcome the ambition of the European Commission in advancing current and active restoration efforts, we remain convinced that for EU forests this should be pursued by strengthening existing governance frameworks, supporting adequate financing, and improving exchanges of locally suited best practices.
key concerns and reflections for improvements for EU Nature Restoration
Recognizing that both EU co-legislators are actively working on the Commission’s proposal for an EU Regulation on Nature Restoration, European forest owners’ and managers’ would like to raise the following key concerns and reflections for improvements. They hope that these can be taken into consideration in order to ensure adequate planning and research is added to the proposed regulation when it comes to forest ecosystems.
6 key points:
1. Restoration targets and obligations should be based on the proper assessment of needs for
restoration, in line with international commitments and local context, including land
2. Non-deterioration targets must be pragmatic
3. Climate change adaptation requirements must be better incorporated in the proposal
4. Forest restoration monitoring and reporting should be scientifically sound and in line with
existing monitoring tools and processes
5. Flexibility in the national restoration plans should be strengthened
6. Assessment and provision of financial needs, including for human capacity is essential
Click here to find more details about this 6 key points.